n finance whether it is conventional or Islamic reward and risk go together, but unfortunately very little is being done specifically in Pakistan to avoid financial risks. In Pakistan Islamic financial institutions…
State Bank role in Promotion of Islamic Banking
By launching media campaign on Islamic Banking, State Bank has deviated from its two prime responsibilities. i.e. to Regulate Banking Sector without taking any body’s side and secondly to align whole Banking…
Islamic Banking and Finance in Pakistan At Cross Road
Former Member of IFSB on Islamic Money Market, Former Head of FSCD SBP, Former Head of Research Arif Habib Investments, Member visiting Faculty/ KASBIT/BIZTEK/Sheikh Zayed Institute University of Karachi/PAF KIET/MAJU There is…
Islamic microfinance
Under red hot sun in the month of June, a 7-year old child was sitting outside my house playing with something. He was looking unaware of the intensity of the heat. On…
Saudi Arabia The Custodian Of Holly Places
Former Member of IFSB on Islamic Money Market, Former Head of FSCD SBP, Former Head of Research ArifHabib Investments, Member visiting Faculty/ KASBIT/BIZTEK/Sheikh Zayed Institute University of Karachi/PAF KIET/MAJU Like other persons…
Takaful As General and Life Insurance
Muhammad Arif Takaful Industry is growing rapidly around the world with 230 Takaful Companies, 13 Re-Takaful companies with the total volume of $11 Billion. Takaful was started in 2005 in Pakistan when…
Educating Islamic banking
Former Member of Task Force on Islamic Money Market IFSB, Former Head of FSCD SBP, Former Head of Research ArifHabib Investments, Member visiting Faculty KASBIT/BIZTEK/Sheikh Zayed Institute University of Karachi/PAF KIET/MAJU Islamic…
Financial Regulators in Pakistan in Disarray
At times we forget the consequences of events once we move away from them. Today, our Financial markets are on recovery and the wounds of the 2008 global financial crisis have healed…
.Economy of the Muslim World
By Muhammad Arif The very first thing you will see if you take a look at Muslim countries is that; “Muslim countries are poor.” But, it is growing. GDP of OIC (Organization…
Challenges To Islamic Banking
Islamic Banking-lot Needs to be Done Islamic banking has now become a reality but still it needs to be developed a lot. Islamic Banking and Finance based on Islamic economics comes from…