Eid-ul-Adha reminds us about the great sacrifice (Qurbani) of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ismail (AS) to show their unconditional love, devotion, and sincerity with Allah (SWT). The Last Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) also performed this ritual so do Muslims today around the world. Keeping the original spirit of Qurbani fi SabilAllah in due consideration,
Alkhidmat Foundation every year commemorates this Islamic ritual with traditional zeal and enthusiasm. Alkhidmat reaches out to the needy of the neediest and delivers them meat packs in a respectful way. Sacrificial animals are brought hygiene at Alkhidmat slaughterhouses where meat is packed and then distributed among the needy and deserving families at different places. Moreover, the Qurbani drive is carried out in the war-torn countries as Syria, Myanmar, Palestine, and other affected areas.
Bank Alfalah Roshan Digital Account now also offers Roshan Qurbani for its customers. Now non-resident Pakistanis can donate/waqf share of qurbani under Roshan Samaaji Khidmat through their preferred organization
Samba Bank Limited is also facilitating the NRPs for availing hassle free Waqf Qurbani payment services through AlKurbani.Com under the light of Sharia’h law.The Roshan Qurbani portal gives customer a gateway to facilitate RDA customers who intend to donate / Waqf Qurbani for distribution amongst the poor in Pakista
Bank AL Habib Roshan Digital Account holders can now easily perform their Qurbani through the Roshan Qurbani initiative. Overseas Pakistanis can offer Qurbani by making payments to approved organizations in Pakistan through their Roshan Digital Account.
Hence Qurbano can now bw performed on line through banking sector.
In this respect Allah (SWT) tells us in the Holy Qur’an:
And complete the Hajj and ‘umrah for Allah. But if you are prevented, then [offer] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals.
And do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter. And whoever among you is ill or has an ailment of the head [making shaving necessary must offer] a ransom of fasting [three days] or charity or sacrifice. And when you are secure, then whoever performs ‘umrah [during the Hajj months] followed by Hajj [offers] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals. And whoever cannot find [or afford such an animal] – then a fast of three days during Hajj and of seven when you have returned [home]. (2:196)
Qurbani is an obligation that we are commanded to perform by Allah (SWT). Therefore, it is vital that we follow the Qurbani meat distribution rules and regulations. Below is a brief guide to the rules and recommendations of Qurbani;
⦁ Qurbani must be given on 10th, 11th and 12th days of Dhul-Hijjah
⦁ Sacrifices can only be made after the Eid prayer (sacrifices made before do not count as Qurbani)
⦁ Any able Muslim should give Qurbani, especially those that have reached the age of puberty and hold wealth above the threshold of 52.5 tolas of silver
⦁ Animals for sacrifice must meet minimum age and health requirements
⦁ Qurbani sacrifices must be given in three shares – one for you, one for family or friends and one for an impoverished family
We have also provided further detailed answers to some of the frequently asked questions about how Qurbani works.
Every Muslim must perform Qurbani. The only exceptions are as follows:
⦁ Those who do not possess 52.5 tolas of silver, or the wealth equivalent
⦁ Those not of sound mind
⦁ Those who have not yet reached and passed puberty
⦁ Those who are travelling and are more than the Shar’i distance from home (approximately 40-45 kilometres)
In this respect everyone is permitted to donate Qurbani on behalf of other people, including those who have passed away. However, you are not expected to provide Qurbani animals on behalf of your adult children who can pay their own share.
Whether Qurbani is compulsory differs between different schools of thought, however, for the greater good of those less fortunate, Qurbani should be considered Farz for anyone who has reached the age of puberty and who poses wealth above the threshold amount of 52.5 tolas of silver.
Meat from Qurbani animals should be distributed equally in three parts. It should be given to the family, friends and the poor (both Muslim and non-Muslim alike). If you perform Qurbani with a partner/partners, the meat should be shared by weight, not by approximation. You cannot pay the butcher with the meat, fat and by-products of the slaughtered animal. The skin can be kept for personal use, but if it is sold, the amount must be given to the poor.
Every able Muslim should be able to give at least one Qurbani which is then divided into three shares; an example of one Qurbani is a small animal such as a sheep or goat. Larger animals such as camels, cows and buffalo can count for up to seven people’s Qurbani.
Qurbani must be performed on the 10th, 11th and 12th days of Dhul-Hijjah, the time of the festival of Eid ul-Adha. Eid ul-Adha, also known as the Greater Eid, Bakra Eid and Qurbani Eid changes in the Gregorian calendar each year. Eid ul-Adha 2020 and Qurbani preparations are anticipated to start in the evening of Thursday 30th July, ending on Monday 3rd August 2020, depending on the sighting of the moon. The time for Qurbani must be performed as close to the completion of Eid Salah as possible and not before, any sacrifice carried out before Eid Salah is considered Sadaqah.
Qurbani animals should be purchased a few days before the sacrifice. They must be properly fed and well cared for in the intervening days.
The animals which are eligible should meet minimum requirements, such as the age of the animal for Qurbani and their condition, including:
⦁ Sheep and goats at least one year in age (enough for one person’s Qurbani)
⦁ Cows or buffalo at least two years in age (enough for seven people’s Qurbani)
⦁ Camels of at least five years in age (enough for seven people’s Qurbani)
In addition, all animals must be healthy and free of disease, including the following conditions:
⦁ They must not be blind, one-eyed or have lost a third (or more) of their sight
⦁ They cannot be missing a third (or more) of their ear or tail, either through loss or since birth
⦁ Their horn(s) cannot be broken off from their root
⦁ They must not have a lame leg that is sufficiently weak that they are unable to walk on it
⦁ They cannot be excessively thin or lean
⦁ They must be able to walk themselves to the site of the slaughter
⦁ They cannot be toothless, or missing over half their teeth
⦁ There is no preference between male or female Qurbani animals. It is preferable that male Qurbani animals are castrated, but this is not compulsory
In the UK, animal slaughter can only be carried out by recognized and registered slaughterhouses but Muslim Aid has made it easy for you to pay your Qurbani directly to us.
Overseas Pakistanis can offer Qurbani by making payments to approved organizations in Pakistan through their Roshan Digital Account.
The Qurbani meat allows some families to eat meat after a whole year. When families receive Qurbani meat, it fosters a real sense of hope for them and allows them to celebrate this important occasion along with millions of other Muslims across the world.