A conventional bank gets money from the public as deposits and offers a large part of it as loans on interest and distributes the interest received on its loans amongst its account holders. In contrast to this, an Islamic Bank in Pakistan gets money from public on Mu??rabah (It is a contract in which a party provides capital to the other party who offers his labor based on risk and profit sharing) and a large part of it, invests in lease purchase of vehicles or housing financing schemes and a fixed percentage of the profits earned out of it, are distributed amongst those who had put their money in saving accounts, business profit accounts, income certificate and certificates of Islamic Investments etc.
A question arises that the profit earned from such saving schemes and certificates is Halal or Haram? This would be determined on the basis of where the bank invests the money it has received from its account holders. We have already explained that an Islamic Bank in Pakistan invests a large part of its deposits through Ij?rah wa Iqtin?? (Lease and Purchase), Mush?rikah Mutan?qi?ah (Diminishing Partnership) and Mur?ba?ah (Cost plus Profits) schemes.
During Quarter end March 2018, 13.1 % of the investment was made in Mur?ba?ah, 21.2 % in Mush?rikah Mutan?qi?ah and 6.4 % in Ij?rah wa Iqtin??. (Islamic Banking Bulletin March 2018)
We shall now do an analytical study of these business types of an Islamic Bank. After a study of the various types of the business practices of the Islamic Banks, we assess that the Islamic Banks have adopted the path of unfair subterfuges to convert a wrongful thing into allowed.
According to the Quran, in a Jewish town on the seaside, Allah SWT disallowed fishing on Saturdays so that they could worship on that day. With this Allah STW put them in a trial as on Saturdays the fish would, by coming on the surface, provided them with big temptation for fishing whereas on other days these used to go in deeper waters. One group of Jews did not fare well in this trial and devised a subterfuge to fish on Saturdays.
They dug small ditches near the sea and linked these to the sea through small channels.
On Saturdays this group would push the fish to these ditches and catch these on Sundays.
Apparently they were obeying Allah’s command by not fishing on Saturday, whereas the real objective of Allah’s order of reserving Saturdays for worship was not being fulfilled.
A second group asked the first to refrain from such subterfuges but the first group declined. The third group consisted of people who told the people of the second group that there was no use counseling the first group on this issue.
These people neither fish with such subterfuges like the first group, nor did they restrain them from this act. Thus Allah SWT, for adopting this subterfuge to circumvent the Sharia command by the first group, levied punishment on them, which is described in the Quran as under.
Allah SWT says: “Ask these Jews about the people living in the settlement on the sea side while they were committing excess on Saturdays when the fish would appear on surface of the water on Saturdays and when it was not Saturday these would not appear before them. This way I was giving them a trial because they were disobedient.
When one group from this settlement said to the other why do you guide the group whom Allah SWT is about to destroy or give severe punishment, they replied, “so that we could offer a justification to our Lord [that we had counseled them] and may be some of them get alarmed] and refrain from such subterfuges]. Thus when they ignored the advice which was conveyed to them, we saved those people who forebode them from vice and those who had committed excess we put them to sever punishment for their disobedience.” (Quran: 7: 163-165)
Similarly, Prophet (PBUH) said: “Let there be the curse of Allah upon the Jews that fat was declared forbidden for them, but they melted it and then sold it.” (Bukh?r? 1997) There is a consensus among the jurists that all subterfuges by which Sharia laws are made void or a Haram could be made Halal are unlawful (J?mi? al-U??l n.d.).
As an example, if one million rupees are lying for last 11 months with some body, and in order to avoid zakat, two weeks before the end of the year, he gifts this money to his wife, there would be no Zakat on this, since one full year has not been completed on this money. Similarly, his wife, in the next year, before the completion of full year, gifts this back to her husband, this money is again excluded from zakat. Some subterfuges are such that on surface there seems to be no violation of any Fard (Obligatory) or W?jib (Mandatory) ruling, but the real Sharia aims of such command are not fulfilled. Some contemporary scholars do believe in such subterfuges.
One form of such subterfuges which is commonly practiced by some present day experts involves, for anyone who wants to avoid paying zakat, to find first a Zakat deserving person, then a deal is struck with this person that out of the Zakat to be paid to him, he would keep a small amount with himself and gift the balance back to him. Thus if somebody’s Zakat assessment is Rs50,000., the Zakat deserving person, would keep 2-3 thousand with himself and return the balance amount to the assesse as gift.
As a result of such subterfuges, the basic purpose of Zakat in Sharia of helping the poor, the destitute and the deprived or the self-cleansing of the rich is lost. It is the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah that Zakat should be collected from the rich and paid back to the poor of the same settlement (Bukh?r? 1997). If any scholar adopts such subterfuges as would return back the Zakat collected to the rich, such subterfuges would be Haram and unjust as per Sharia. Such tricks being Haram is proved by the tenets of Sharia, as has been described above.
Dr. A?mad ?asan writes, “It is accepted by all jurists that for the negation of Sharia law or principles, use of such subterfuges is incorrect. With some ?anaf?s we however find the justifications for use of such tricks. There is also a book on this topic attributed to Im?m Muhammad bin al-?asan and there is a book of Im?m Kha???f on tricks. By these subterfuges, these ?anaf? scholars do not mean trick which would negate Sharia laws and ruin the public interests for which these subterfuges were devised, rather the objective of these tricks is to find ways and means by which these public interests are realized and not the negation of Sharia laws (J?mi? al-U??l n.d.).”
This was the position on subterfuges of the former ?anaf? jurists, but some of the present day scholars adopted a softer position. Since with the cotemporary scholars there is a full chapter on the usage of subterfuges and these tricks are commonly used. These tricks are also used to sort out economic problems of people as well.
There is no doubt that any subterfuge which annuls a Sharia law or by which a Haram is described as Halal is considered wrong by all the Muslim jurists. However with the present day scholars many such subterfuges have been accepted as correct, by which even the Sharia objectives of the Divine law are compromised and these are the ones which form the basis of Islamic Banking. We are of the view that till such time that a critical research in the validity of basic principals involved for such subterfuges, is not carried out, it is not possible to carry out any meaningful evaluation of Islamic Banking.
Some proponents of Islamic Banking sometimes quote such precedents as would justify use of such tricks, e.g.; The prophet Ayy?b?s AS hitting of his wife with a broom in place of the sworn lashes (Quran 38:44) or The Prophet Yousaf?s AS tactful hiring of his brother (Quran 12:70-76) or Holy Prophets PBUH advice to the companion Bil?l RA not to sell inferior quality of dates in exchange of superior kind with some price adjustments and if at all, it was necessary, to first sell the inferior quality and then buy superior dates (Bukh?r? 1997) or again Holy Prophets PBUH sentencing of an old and sick person on adultery charges by hitting him with date palm twig with hundred offshoots in place of hundred lashes (Sunan Ab? D?w?d 2006). The reason for all such instances was that a trick is lawful or acceptable in Islamic Sharia if its objective is to secure ones right or it is for elimination of some excess or it is for removal of some such pain which had the possibility of inflicting death, provided fair means and methods are used in such subterfuge. Some scholars like Im?m Sh??b? do not include such tricks even in the definition of a subterfuge since for them a prohibited trick is some subterfuge which is unlawful and illegal. In contrast to this some other scholars like Im?m Ibn al-Qayyim have divided subterfuges in to two types, i.e., valid and void subterfuges (J?mi? al-U??l n.d.). The prophet Ayy?b?s AS once swore during his illness that he would give one hundred lashes to her wife for her ungratefulness, once he recovers from his sickness. The offence committed by Ayy??s AS wife was not that serious as to warrant such a punishment, but then there was the question of Prophet Ayy?b?s oath, so to save Ayy?b?s AS wife from this punishment, for which she had no capacity, Allah SWT brought about a trick in his mind. So, a subterfuge which is employed to ward off a suffering is a valid subterfuge.
Similarly, holding back of his brother by Prophet Y?suf AS was his moral and legal right. Additionally he wanted to save his brother from further fury of his step brothers as described in the Quran (12:69). And the Holy Prophet PBUH did not award the punishment of hundred lashes to an old and sick person because there was a very strong possibility of his death, so to save him from a possible fatal punishment, a subterfuge was employed. In the tradition involving Bilal RA, the Holy Prophet PBUH guided him to right and proper subterfuge to meet a personal situation i.e. as per the normal practice in selling, to first sell the inferior kind of dates and then buy the superior quality. In this case the Holy Prophet PBUH is persuading him to follow the commonly used practice in buying and selling to get the quality dates in exchange for inferior dates and not coaching him in devising a subterfuge to make a Haram into a Halal.
Even if it is accepted as a subterfuge, with this kind of trick neither any Sharia Law or provision has been annulled nor any objective or public interest has been lost whereas the subterfuges which form the basis of Islamic banks, not only destroy the objectives of the, these also annul the Sharia rulings.
According to a group of Pakistani scholars, subterfuges being used in Islamic Banking are the same back door tricks the Jews had been using to change a Haram into Halal. Recently a group of ?anaf? scholars have issued a unanimous Fatwa from Karachi on the existing Islamic Banking, which says: “Since the unreal and temporary grounds of Islamic Banking are Mur?ba?ah and Ij?rah (Leasing), banking with such provisional basis and making these short lived subterfuge a permanent means of earning, it becomes rather difficult, both morally and as per Sharia, to call and consider it as Islamic Banking. Some of the reasons for this are:
1) The unreal foundations (Mur?ba?ah and Ij?rah) are mere subterfuges and making a permanent system out of these tricks is not lawful. Any Business settled by employing such subterfuges would also be invalid. As the subterfuge of ‘Bay? ??nah’ (It means to sell something for a price to be paid at a later date, then to buy it back for a lower price to be paid immediately) according to Imam Muhammad is wrong, similarly the subterfuges regarding Mur?ba?ah and Ij?rah and making money using these tricks is also inappropriate.
2) These subterfuges were devised by the former scholars for an interim period for particular circumstances.
3) These are very delicate and dangerous subterfuges. A slight carelessness would make these a part of ‘interest system’.
4) Using these subterfuges as permanent system is not only wrong but unfair as well.
5) In Islamic banking the volume of Mur?ba?ah and Ij?rah must be abolished, otherwise no Islamic Bank would be justified in calling itself ‘Islamic Bank’; instead these would best be called as ‘??lah Bank’. (The Unanimous Fatwa 2008)
Later a press release on eight pages containing this detailed Fatwa was issued. It is said in this publication that the existing Islamic Banking is absolutely unlawful and illegal. The ruling is the same for banks characterized as Islamic banks as is for other normal conventional interest banks. Participants of this session included Muft? ?am?dull?h J?n from J?mi?ah Ashrafiyyah, Lahore, Mawl?n? Muft? ?Abd al-Maj?d D?np?r?, Mawl?n? Muft? Raf?q A?mad and Mawl?n? Muft? Shu?ayb ??lam all from J?mi?ah Binawr? Town, Karachi Muft? Ghul?m Q?dir from D?r al-?Ul?m ?aqq?niyyah Akura KhatakMawl?n? Muft? Ihtish?m al-?aqq ?siy? ?b?d? from Baluchistan with other Muftis.
However to find out a way out to get out of this discussion following steps are required.
1. Defining Riba or interest by Sharia court.
2. Proper legislation on Islamic Banking and Finance.
3. Finding or designing products in accordance with defined definition of Riba or interest.
Till above steps are not made such debates would continue on with suspicions of lot of people on Islamic Banking.
Тенденции Рейтинга Казино 2025: Что Важно при Выборе Онлайн Казино Сегодня? Узнайте на Канале Топ Рейтинг Казино!
Мир онлайн казино постоянно меняется! В 2025 году Рейтинг Казино определяется не только традиционными факторами. Канал Топ Рейтинг Казино расскажет о новых тенденциях Рейтинга Казино и поможет вам выбрать лучшее онлайн казино, отвечающее современным требованиям.
На канале «Тенденции Рейтинга Казино 2025» вы узнаете:
* Новые Критерии Рейтинга Казино 2025: Какие аспекты становятся ключевыми при оценке онлайн казино в этом году? Мобильность? Криптовалюты? Скорость выплат? Персонализация?
* Роль Telegram Каналов в Рейтинге Казино: Как Telegram каналы влияют на формирование общественного мнения и Рейтинг Казино? Преимущества и недостатки такого влияния.
* Инновации в Лучших Казино из Рейтинга: Какие новые технологии и функции предлагают топовые казино из Рейтинга Казино в 2025 году? VR-казино? Геймификация?
* Прогнозы и Аналитика Рейтинга Казино: Куда движется индустрия Рейтинга Казино и чего ожидать игрокам в ближайшем будущем?
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A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
кракен ссылка
Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
Добро пожаловать в мир очарование и искушение, где желания становятся реальностью. Только в Telegram-канале “Проститутки Москва” вас ждет лучший выбор самых обворожительных и пленительных девушек Москвы. Поверьте, что каждая встреча — это возможность ощутить незабываемые эмоции и открыть для себя новые грани удовольствия.
Москва — это место, где кипит жизнь, но и мегаполис, где можно найти Эскортницы на любой вкус. Мы собрали только самых опытных в сфере сопровождения, готовых удовлетворить самые смелые фантазии. Здесь вы можете легко снять, заказать или вызвать проститутку, которая идеальным образом соответствует вашим предпочтениям.
Проститутки, которые работают с нами, обладают не только эффектной внешностью, но и талантом делать каждый момент особенным. Они знают, как доставить вам удовольствие, и готова предложить неповторимый опыт. Обращаясь к нам, вы получаете высокое качество сервиса, конфиденциальность и гарантию. что время, проведенное вместе, останется в вашей памяти.
Индивидуалки, с которыми мы работаем, тщательно отобраны, чтобы гарантировать вам только лучшее. Будьте спокойны за их навыки и ответственность. Они — это не только эффектный вид, но и умение вовлечь вас в мир наслаждения. Наш удобный Telegram-канал позволяет вы с легкостью найдете анкеты, выбрать девушку, которая вам понравится и оперативно запланировать свидание.
Telegram-канал “Проститутки Москва” ваш гид в мир искушений. Мы знаем, что у каждого свои предпочтения, поэтому предлагаем только самые разнообразные варианты, чтобы угодить каждому. Здесь вы найдете как утонченных эскортниц, так и более смелых индивидуалок, которые наполнят вашу жизнь новыми красками.
Отвлекитесь от повседневности и насладитесь роскошью и комфортом. Закажите проститутку из нашего канала, и ваша жизнь станет незабываемой. Почувствуйте себя королем, наслаждаясь обществом прекрасных девушек, которые ждут вашего приглашения.
Узнайте больше по ссылке: https://t.me/s/Official_girl_msk и определитесь со своим выбором. Откройте для себя мир новых впечатлений, которые останутся в вашей памяти навсегда. Шлюхи ждут вашего звонка, чтобы сделать этот вечер по-настоящему волшебным.
Позвольте себе роскошь быть счастливым и сделать каждый миг неповторимым. Москва полна загадок и соблазнов, и мы откроем для вас новые горизонты. Пора наслаждаться жизнью — отдайте предпочтение качеству, знакомьтесь с теми, кто воплотит ваши мечты.
Мы поможем вам исполнить ваши мечты, и вы будете счастливы. Присоединяйтесь к “Проститутки Москва” и откройте новые горизонты удовольствия в сердце столицы.
Круглосуточная доставка спиртного в Москве: удобство либо проблема?
Каким образом это работает?
Круглосуточная доставка алкоголя в Москве осуществляется через многообразные сервисы:
Онлайн-платформы: Профильные веб-сайты и приложения, которые предлагают широкий ассортимент спиртных напитков с доставкой на дом. Заведения общепита и бары: Отдельные заведения, имеющие лицензию на продажу спиртного, предлагают доставку своей товаров в вечернее время. Доставщики службы: Компании, которые сотрудничают с лицензированными продавцами спиртного и проводят поставку по запросу. Преимущества:
Комфорт: Возможность приобрести любимый продукт, не выходя из дома, в любое время суток. доставка алкоголя в москве круглосуточно – Сбережение часа: Не нужно терять время на визит в маркет, особо в вечернее время. Большой ассортимент: Большой ассортимент алкогольных продуктов, в том числе необычные и особенные позиции. Шанс для праздников и событий: Быстрая доставка дает возможность оперативно добавить резервы спиртного, когда это потребуется. Недостатки и противоречия:
Законность: В России не разрешена реализация алкоголя в вечернее время (с 23:00 до 8:00). Сервисы поставки, что предлагают 24-часовую доставку, часто применяют различные способы, которые способны оказаться противозаконными. Употребление алкоголя: Легкий получение к спиртному в всякое время способен помогать росту потребления, что может иметь негативные результаты на здоровья. Контроль за продажей не достигшим совершеннолетия: Существует опасность, что доставщики могут не контролировать возраст покупателей, что способен вызвать к продаже алкоголя несовершеннолетним.
Thieves blow up museum door and steal ancient artifacts, including 2,500-year-old gold helmet
мальчик гей
Thieves have stolen four ancient artifacts, including an approximately 2,500-year-old gold helmet, after using explosives to break into a museum in the Netherlands.
The daring heist took place at Drents Museum in Assen during the early hours of Saturday morning, according to Dutch police, who said they received a report of an explosion at 3:45 a.m. local time.
CCTV footage released by police shows the suspects opening an exterior door before a blast sends sparks and smoke into the air. The thieves made off with three gold bracelets, dating from around 50 BC, as well as the 5th-century BC Helmet of Cotofenesti, a historically important artifact on loan from the National History Museum of Romania in Bucharest.
The items were part of an exhibition about the Dacians, an ancient society that occupied much of present-day Romania before being conquered by the Romans. On show since July, “Dacia: Empire of Gold and Silver” featured treasures borrowed from institutions across Romania.
In a press release on its website, Drents Museum described the Helmet of Cotofenesti — which was discovered in a Romanian village almost a century ago — as a “masterpiece.” Its design features mythological scenes and a pair of eyes, located above the wearers’, that were thought to deter enemies during battle while protecting against the “evil eye.”
The exhibition was set to conclude Sunday, though Drents Museum remained closed through the weekend due to the robbery. Its premises were damaged by the explosion, though no injuries were reported, the museum said.
Dutch police announced that they are working with global police agency Interpol and had, as of Sunday, received more than 50 tip-offs. Investigators are currently looking for information about a gray car that was stolen from the nearby city of Alkmaar earlier in the week and was discovered around four miles from the crime scene, on fire, shortly after the overnight heist.
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.
Подборка честных казино на 2025 год: Гарантируйте себе Безопасность и Доверие с Каналом Топ Рейтинг Казино
Вы в поиске Лучшие надёжных казино для игры в 2025 году? Канал Топ Рейтинг Казино – твой кладезь проверенной информации о наиболее безопасных онлайн казино. Мы предлагаем рейтинг Топ надёжных казино, чтобы вы смогли развлекаться будучи уверенными в честности и безопасности.
На канале «Топ Рейтинг Казино» доступно:
Свежий Список честных казино 2025: Постоянно актуализируемый список лучших казино в онлайн индустрии.
Объективные оценки Рейтинг надёжных казино: Детальные оценки каждого казино из нашего Список честных казино рейтинга, с анализом защищённости, разрешений и платежей.
Информация для выбора Проверенного казино: Существенные критерии и признаки, которые помогут вам самостоятельно определить безопасность каждого онлайн казино.
Коллекции Подборка честных казино для удобства выбора: Специально сформированные списки Топ надёжных казино для разных игроков и предпочтений.
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Рейтинг казино с лицензиями: проверенные платформы для азартных игр
Подписывайтесь на канал «Топ Рейтинг Казино», для того, чтобы всегда иметь под рукой Рейтинг проверенных казино и совершать обдуманный выбор в пользу безопасности и честной игры. Играйте с уверенностью, выбирайте Список безопасных казино благодаря нам!
Телеграм-канал для реализации боевого и травматического оружия в обход закона и созданию лицензий.
В наши дни Telegram превратился одной из востребованных платформ для выполнения сделок, особенно те, что противоречат закону. купить травмат В числе подобных направлений есть реализация травмата и боевого оружия без разрешений. Онлайн возникают чаты в Телеграме, которые предлагают подобные услуги и за создание лицензий клиентам.
?? Как функционирует канал? В этих каналах обнаруживается много объявлений, которые предлагают большой выбор оружия. Главные предложения такие:
?? Оружие травматического действия:: законные модели до модифицированных. ?? Оружие:: оружие, которое предназначено для использования в боевых условиях, реализуется нелегально. ?? Изготовление лицензий:: законные лицензии, которые позволяют “легализовать” покупку. Покупатели общаются лично с администратором через персональные сообщения. Полный цикл заказа и доставки, оплаты осуществляется инкогнито, тем самым делая такие сделки более безопасными для участников.
?? Доставка такси Одним из самых способов обеспечения анонимности представляет собой вызов такси с целью доставки. Торговец оружием может передать товар с помощью курьера, оставляя при этом минимальные следы для правоохранительных органов.
?? Оплата и безопасность Почти все этих каналов принимают деньги через криптовалюту (Bitcoin, Monero) или через анонимные электронные переводы, что усложняет еще больше отслеживание платежей.
?? Риски нарушения закона Нужно понимать, эта деятельность такого рода противоречит несколько статей уголовного кодекса.
?? Итог Чаты в Телеграме, занимающиеся продажей боевого и травматического оружия нелегально, а также предлагающие лицензии, представляют собой способ анонимно приобрести необходимые товары один такой.
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